I wanted to reenvision the news format and what kind of visions it constructs.
In a time of social distancing and isolation, one of the ways we could still access the world around us is through the news. Newspapers are the symbol of this, representing a daily dose of truth which has nowadays come to carry with it anxieties about the present. I felt dominated by the the current crisis. In a time starved of intimate experiences, this piece aims to create visions of utopia by remodelling and reshaping our reality through the very medium that was used to construct it. The FUGA FUTURA newspaper presented me with the opportunity to narrate reality and populate the format with alternative images of what is possible, allowing me to reclaim the imaginary of the unseen and construct visions of the future. Instead of nourishing the prevailing narratives and immortalise the selection of what is deemed worthy of being knowledgable, this newspaper pushes the NEW as a collective re-imagination.
Livia Rita Heim, Lydia Perrot
The current situation made it impossible for me to share my visual performances in public, so I turned to new formats and developed an alternative piece, marking this very time of crisis. I used the texts of the performance songs and combined them with imaginary, some new and some older, of the different visual worlds and wearable scultpures used in the performance for those very moments. I have crafted and designed all visuals myself and collaborated with Lydia Perrot for the graphics design.
In a time of digital fatigue, I chose a physical format to form a kind of oasis and tabula rasa away from the noise of the digital that is taking over our lives. The physicality of the newspaper is a necessary respite, providing us with an opportunity to share intimate and at the same time collective experiences in distance in the form of issued print media. Receiving the news through the post will be like receiving an invitation to slow down, step away and inhabit an alternative reality.
FUGA FUTURA – newspaper
Heim Livia Rita, Perrot Lydia
I wanted to reenvision the news format and what kind of visions it constructs.
In a time of social distancing and isolation, one of the ways we could still access the world around us is through the news. Newspapers are the symbol of this, representing a daily dose of truth which has nowadays come to carry with it anxieties about the present. I felt dominated by the the current crisis. In a time starved of intimate experiences, this piece aims to create visions of utopia by remodelling and reshaping our reality through the very medium that was used to construct it. The FUGA FUTURA newspaper presented me with the opportunity to narrate reality and populate the format with alternative images of what is possible, allowing me to reclaim the imaginary of the unseen and construct visions of the future. Instead of nourishing the prevailing narratives and immortalise the selection of what is deemed worthy of being knowledgable, this newspaper pushes the NEW as a collective re-imagination.
Recyclingpapier (Zeitungspapier)
Diverse materielle Gestaltung der 'Wearable sculptures', analog und digital Fotografie, Grafikdesign
0.42 x 0.297 x 0.07