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RESPECT is a beautiful word

A cross-cultural perspective on the meaning of RESPECT in the world.
Each language/person/statement is accompanied by a painting of the corresponding word RESPECT.
The finished documentation will be published as a book.
More than 50 people – more than 50 languages – more than 50 paintings.

Work in progress!

Anne Guttormsen Fraser

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RESPECT is a beautiful word (2020)
Anne Guttormsen Fraser
A cross-cultural perspective on the meaning of RESPECT in the world.
Each language/person/statement is accompanied by a painting of the corresponding word RESPECT.
More than 50 people – more than 50 languages – more than 50 paintings.

Work in progress!
Acryl auf Leinwand
Acryl auf Leinwand
Jedes Bild 2 x 80 x 40 cm, mal ca 50 Bilder. Total size depends on how it is exhibited.

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