Lausanne, 13 mars 2020.
Catapultage dans un voyage surréaliste de durée indéterminée.
L’ennemi invisible de l’humanité est là. Un silence assourdissant dans les rues désertes. Ambiance apocalyptique. Courbe exponentielle journalière d’emails, de notifications, de mises à jour en continu des médias sous fond rouge ou vert de virus à trompètes, ‘aplatir la courbe’, ‘distanciation sociale’, quarantaine, masques, annulations, fermetures, interdictions, chômage et prêts en ‘zillions’. Effet mitraillette d’informations en pleine figure. Rester chez soi, isoler, tracer, détecter, tester, traiter. Applaudir les anonymes. Un monde en état d’urgence sous fond sonore de ‘pschit-pschit’ des sprays désinfectants. Un appel ‘rapide et lent’ à prendre soin de nous.
‘…et mise à part ça, tu vas bien ? Got your shot yet?’.
Lausanne, March 13th 2020.
Launch of the surrealist trip of indefinite duration. The invisible enemy of humanity has now landed. A deafening silence in the empty streets. An apocalyptic feel to the whole thing. Exponentially growing curves of amounts of emails, notifications, live media updates with red or green trumpet-like viruses ornated backgrounds, ‘flatten the curve’, ‘social distancing’, quarantine, masks, cancellations, closures, bans, unemployment and loans in ‘zillions’. A feeling of an automatic rifle shooting information at one’s brain. Stay home, isolate, trace, detect, test, treat. Hand clapping cheering the anonymous. A world in a state of emergency rocked by the ‘pschit-pschit’ sound of sanitizing spray bottles. A ‘fast and slow’ call to take care of ourselves.
‘…and so, besides that, all good with you? Got your shot yet?’
Cendrine Colin was born 1977 in Lausanne, where she lives, works and teaches art.
Bachelor in Fine Arts, California College of the Arts, San Francisco (2000), artists residencies in China, England, India, Sweden. A 2017 visit of the propaganda art factory in the DPRK has particularly left its mark on her. Her inspiration is torn between the pure beauty of nature and the ‘ubuesque ingrained madness’ found in human nature, on which she sprinkles humour, opening reflection.
Nope, You? (version 'fluo-green')
Colin Cendrine
L'oeuvre existe en plusieurs couleurs.
Sérigraphie sur papier
Screenprint on paper
21,5 x 29,5 cm et cadre blanc en bois 23,5 x 32 cm