A curatorial choreography (process oriented performance)
In celebration of the end of the world as we (thought) we knew it and as an invitation to imagine the next...
My partner Johannes and I moved our home, atelier and project space during the corona crises. Turning this process into a performative reflection we asked, “What do we want to take with us and what do we want to leave behind?" and "Can the microcosm of our life and home become the possibility of a new world in which the precarious conditions of society are addressed and healed through the personal and the intimate?" Believing in the power of art to generate new ways of thinking and acting, we asked 18 curators from around the world to remember and imagine the world by performing a scripted curatorial choreography with us. We documented this in an intimate physical and online exhibition of a series of sill life installations, combining artworks and artifacts from our daily life with the collaborative contributions.